Chris Walshaw
 Enterprise & KE

Chris Walshaw :: Enterprise & Knowledge Exchange

sample scatter plot

Can I help?
If your business needs some help with data visualisation / machine learning / network optimisation problem solving, or if you are interested in working with me on related ideas, do please get in touch.

I am particularly keen to work alongside companies using the InnovateUK Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP), a government-funded grant-based scheme which helps businesses in the UK to innovate and grow by linking them with an academic or research organisation and a graduate. Having successfully applied for two 3-year KTPs, worth a total of £520k, I can help you with the process of putting together a workplan and developing a successful innovative partnership with real impact.

With over 15 years experience of enterprise, knowledge exchange and consultancy (see the home page for specifics), I work with companies in a wide range of sectors including:

Although each problem is different, at their heart lies an exploration, understanding and ultimately insight from data. And that fascinates me!

sample bubble plot

As a practical educator, I have always been very keen to get students involved in knowledge exchange and have supervised and/or coordinated over 100 student projects, from first year undergraduate volunteers, through final year projects, MSc dissertations, and all the way up to full-time PhDs. As well as offering dedication and enthusiasm, I find that students frequently bring a fresh eye to the problems, creating a collaborative problem-solving approach.

My focus in recent years has been on data visualisation, machine learning and network optimisation, particularly via my most recent KTP with Sainsburys Argos. Aside from the main work of the KTP this has already provided stimulating projects for more than 40 MSc and final-year undergraduate students.

For more information, or to arrange a scoping meeting, just drop me an email.

example dashboard

All images on this page show example visualisations of fictional data taken from my course Visualisation with Python.
