Chris Walshaw
 – NetWorks
 – partition archive
 – publications
 Enterprise & KE

Chris Walshaw :: Research


  • Music information retrieval; Symbolic music analysis; Melodic search & classification algorithms:
  • Multilevel refinement for combinatorial optimisation:
    • applications include graph partitioning, graph colouring, facility location and the travelling salesman problem;
    • innovations include the idea of multilevel landscapes and iterated multilevel refinement.
  • Graph visualisation:
    • including multilevel force-directed graph drawing.
  • Mobile network optimisation:
    • NetWorks - mobile and cellular network optimisation software.
  • Graph and mesh partitioning:
    • JOSTLE - parallel graph partitioning & load-balancing software;
    • partition archive - a collection of graphs & partitions for benchmarking purposes.
Walshaw's co-authorship network
Having spent much of my research life peering into the multilevel framework and its impact on graphs and networks, I was honoured to find that a group of researchers from São Paulo, Brazil have created a graph featuring my own co-authorship network - from A Critical Survey of the Multilevel Method in Complex Networks, Alan Valejo et al., ACM Comput. Surv. 53(2), 2020 (figured included here by kind permission of the authors).


Take a look at the annotated list for more details.


From Google Scholar.


Profile Pages

University of Greenwich | Google Scholar | ORCID | Scopus | ResearchGate | LinkedIn

© Chris Walshaw