FocusWare NetWorks
 – high quality
 – flexible
 – intuitive
 – comprehensive
 – convenient
 – efficient
 – tried & tested

Tried & tested


The optimisation engine inside NetWorks has been used successfully to optimise and plan mobile phone networks from the UK, USA, Ireland, France, Germany, India and elsewhere. Furthermore the algorithms at its core have been in use all over the world for over 10 years in a variety of applications including Scientific Computing, Parallel Processing, Circuit Partitioning, Air-Traffic Management and Web Search Engines.


Evidence of the powerful nature of these algorithms can be found in the partition archive, where the NetWorks partitions now dominate the results.

The combination of these algorithms, together with the flexibility of multiobjective optimisation, and a carefully designed graphical user interface, provide a sophisticated package that gives a network planner the tools they need to successfully optimise and manage today's mobile networks.

Both example graphs shown on this page are randomised test cases, generated to have similar features to real mobile phone networks.

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© University of Greenwich, 2006-2025. Site maintained by Chris Walshaw.